In order to understand the magnitude of digital art and its worth, it is important to first establish where this medium falls in the art industry. To expand on this, we will use Jeff Koons and his famous balloon dog as our example. You may have seen this sculpture or a rendition of it as it is the most expensive piece of art ever sold, at a bid of $58.4 million. For unique pieces like this, the individual object belongs to the purchaser and likely will only be seen first hand by whoever is in the presence of its display. Digital art changes this rule. A different artist, Michael Green, created a moving GIF version of the famous balloon dog, and listed the image file to Ebay for sale for an honorable $5,800. To fully understand the power behind his work, Green left a description in discussing how his piece is a symbol of how the digital medium breaks down the barriers that were in place to define "modern art." Though the GIF hasn't sold, it is a great symbol for how digital media can, and will, change the way we view art. As the world moves towards everything technological, digital art and digital artists are highly sought after. There is something to be said about art being physical- something to see, absorb, touch and appreciate. I believe that digital art, rather than taking away from other platforms, can instead add to the strength of the art industry.
